Monday, February 21, 2011

What a week...

The last week has been interesting; a strange mix of good, bad and stess. I contracted a viral upper respiratory and sinus infection last Tuesday, and it has been kicking my a$$. Today is the first day that I have felt even remotely a hint of relief. I also had my CNIM exam last Friday, so while the sick days from work came in handy for last minute extra studying, ultimately being uber congested and ill for the test was frustrating. I left the exam feeling a bit disheartened. The passing grade is a 75%, not exactly what one might consider a tough bar to exceed. However, I've heard from some other people that sometimes they adjust the passing score based on the bell curve of the scores achieved for that testing period. So going into the test I had hoped to leave there with only 20% of the questions in my "answered, but not entirely certain it's correct" category. Unfortunately there were just a few more that fell into that category, making my lowest possible score (at least by my calculations) a 78.8% So while this is technically still passing, I'm still nervous while I wait for the results to come in (4-6 weeks from now!). Needless to say between the test and being ill, I was just ready to forget about last week when Friday night rolled around.

In spite of not being able to breathe well, I decided to meet a new beau for dinner. We met through an online dating service, and had been emailing/calling for a couple weeks, so it seemed appropriate to finally meet in person. I realize that being ill and my inability to fully mask those lovely things that often accompany URI and sinus infections (ie: bright red, runny nose and dark circles under the eyes) should have crossed my mind considering you usually want your first impression/meeting to be tops, but I just couldn't resist the offer to FINALLY meet him. Our phone conversations had been lengthy and I just had a good feeling about it; was going to be just the fun, relaxing evening I needed to unwind from the crazy week. And it was! We had some (more) great conversations and he was a good sport about my being sick; quite the gentlemen as well. The evening ended with plans to get together again later in the weekend (when I would hopefully be feeling better) and a small kiss on cheek. Woohoo! Always nice to get a little reassurance from a first date that things did indeed go well. :)

The following two days were spent sleeping and preparing cocktails of OTC meds to try and get rid of the plague that had struck me. I think it helped some as I was feeling improvement today. Hopefully tomorrow will exhibit similar progress. Fingers crossed anyways.

I have a sneaking suspicion this post will sound somewhat random and incomplete in thought process/content, but it's late, and I'm tired, so I'm excusing it. Figured it would be better to get it out and posted than to forget about I've done with so many other entries. Hope you can deal with it.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

What a day...

Amidst devoting my weekend to studying for my upcoming CNIM exam, I did take some time to continue my training for the upcoming 5K. Can't believe it's only 1 month away now! Today's workout was a five minute warm-up walk, followed by 25 straight minutes of running (well jogging in my case). I wasn't feeling good about this work out as the past couple of days my calves and knees have been aching incredibly. Nonetheless, Lily and I set out for the longest run we have done since starting our training, and to my great surprise, WE FINISHED IT! I felt so accomplished. I know in the grand scheme of things, especially compared to other friends of mine who run, that 25 minutes of jogging is essentially child's play in the running world, but for me it is a HUGE accomplishment. I was very proud of myself for finishing it and just for sticking with my training in general. We were able to run outside today, which I think helped considerably, so I think we will try to maintain that element as the weather permits, for the duration of training.

I feel like I am on such a high right now. I feel good and I'm glad to know that our training is slowly, but surely paying off. Now I just hope to have this kind of success with the exam on Friday. Fingers crossed!