Sunday, March 20, 2011


This is my last post for this evening, I promise.

After having one of the worst oncall weeks, I opened my mailbox yesterday evening to find a little envelope from the CNIM testing company. Mind you, I stumbled upon this in between my late night Friday add-on case and being informed I needed to head to Green Bay to cover a case for today. BLAH! So needless to say, I wasn't even sure if I wanted to open this tiny, yet oh-so-significant piece of mail. All I could think was, "What if I didn't pass?" I just couldn't bear the thought of opening up something which could add to the stress and disappointment of my week. However, I decided to stop being a worry-wart and a negative Nancy, and open it. And, to my PLEASANT surprise, I PASSED!! Oh happy day! That was just the little pick me up I needed after this crazy week. What a relief to know that is done with! I could not be more thankful!!

Now onto the GREs. LOL. :)

MJ's visit...and sushi

So as you (probably) know, my sister came to visit last weekend, and it was GREAT! I really miss not living closer to her; we may argue (and often over stupid things - see below) but in the end we always get over it and have a fabulous time. We ran the 5K, hung out with my friends and played whirlyball. A simple agenda, but lots of fun (and funny for me to watch MJ gimp around, like an old bitty, after killing herself in the 5k - without training!). Here is a photo of us sporting our green pride with some friends Saturday night!

However, as mentioned previously, sisters getting together isn't without it's heated moments, and by Sunday MJ and I had hit that point. I woke up in a bit of grump (okay, very grumpy) and couldn't seem to shake it. I love my sister, but the one thing she can't seem to figure out is that when I'm in that mood, continuing to bring up an argument or make fun of me (albeit in good fun) does not help. In fact, it does just the opposite. I can be a very level-headed, patient person, but by Sunday evening when we were discussing what to do for dinner with a couple friends, my tolerance for her little comments had run out, and thus began the world's longest argument about...Sushi.

It started with a comment by her that went a little something like this, "I really want sushi for dinner (friends agree), but I'm sure if we ask Grace she will say, 'That's nice, but here's what we are actually getting.'" Now, let me preface this with the fact that I have only had sushi once before, and it was no more than a piece of a spicy tuna roll (from my sister...and ironically, she doesn't remember this). I actually didn't mind it, but sushi is just something that I haven't ever bothered to "fully" experience. So, the idea didn't exactly thrill me, but I was being a good sport and said, "That's fine, however I don't eat sushi, so you will have to look up where to go for it." She took this as a negative remark, and while she did look up places to go for sushi, she continued to go on and on about me not wanting to try something new and if it's a problem why don't I just say so. When I tried to protest and say it was okay and that I was up for it, she kept insisting I wasn't. This went on for 30 minutes. Yes, that's right, 30 MINUTES. 30 minutes of arguing, in increasing volume, before she finally felt convinced that I was being sincere enough to go and have sushi for dinner. I know that sounds awful, and not all that funny, but the story gets better.

When we finally reached the sushi place (of my sister's choice) and pulled in to the parking lot, we found that we were the only customers there. Not exactly what you want to see when hoping to consume raw foods (and this was agreed upon by all). So, we got Mexican instead...HAHA! What a night! In the end we had a laugh about it and had to thank sushi for making us realize how ridiculous we can be (and perhaps a bit tired too). [Also made a promise to find a decent sushi place here before she visits again...just to save an argument in the future! haha]

Does anyone else have silly arguments with their siblings?

The 5k post...finally

Okay, so maybe it's a week late, but here is my post about my first 5K! First, the stats.
Time: 39:35
Pace: 12:45
Age place: 80/93
Overall place: 876/1106

Maybe to some this is not all that impressive, but I'm very proud of it. My two goals were to run the whole thing and to do it in under 40 minutes, both of which I achieved. Therefore, I consider it a success.

Another plus is that I no longer completely loathe running. YAY! That's what I was waiting to happen the entire time I trained, and it finally did. I've actually kept up with my running since the race as well, and I'm hoping to do a couple more races in the near future. I don't know that I will ever get into running quite to the extent as some of my other friends (Queenie :D ), but I'm enjoying the health benefits of it and I think the 5k distance is a good fit for now.

The best part of this 5k though, was running it with 8 friends and my sister (not that I actually ran it with them...they are all faster than me). It was great to share the experience with them and definitely made the experience more enjoyable. Here is a group shot of all of us after the race!

This was followed by breakfast and beer! haha. Gotta love the Green Lights festivities. :)

(In case you were wondering, I'm front and center, sporting the green headband.)

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Simply "Da Best"...

I have the best sister in the world. She always seems to know how to keep me in check and positive about life and the things I do. Today was no exception.

The infamous 5K race was today (more details to follow in a later post), and while I did indeed finish, I did not do quite as well as I had hoped. It is definitely a flaw of mine to be hard on myself, and knowing this, my sister picked up on the fact that I seemed to be a bit down in spite of having achieved what I had set out to do. She asked why I was feeling down, and when I told her it was because I felt like all of my training didn't quite get me to where I had hoped to be, she replied with this, "As an athlete, when you played soccer, your game was the quick, short, sprint-type running; endurance is not your game or strong point. Yet, knowing that, you still set out to run the 5K and overcome it, and you did. What you did is a huge accomplishment, and you have every reason to be just as proud as anyone who finished that race."

That one little speech has truly made all the difference. She has made realize what I struggled to see all along, that I did something I never thought I could have done. Two months ago, running a full 5K seemed like a nice goal, but not a reality, and today I changed that. I am so proud of this accomplishment, and I have my sister to thank for helping me to fully recognize that. I feel blessed to have her as my sister and will always love her for the person that she is and who she helps me to be. She is simply "da best."

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Staying positive...

Monday morning I ran the full 5k distance (without timing myself) just to see how it would go. I did in fact finish, which is giving me confidence for Saturday's race, however I felt wiped after the last mile. That may have something to do with the fact that the last .75mile was uphill, but what if it wasn't? I feel like I have worked so hard for this race, so I don't just want to finish it, I want to finish it strong. Today I decided to go for a twenty minute run and see how far I would get. I started out sluggish and was having difficulty finding my stride, but still managed to finish mile 1 in the 11-12pace range. However at 22 minutes I was still short of my 2 mile mark. Not exactly where I was hoping to finish for today, but it's definitely eons from where I began two and half months ago. So I've decided that's what I'm going to focus on (and cling to) today. I may not be where I want to be, but I am certainly improving. In another month, who knows how much better I will be. Just have to stay positive. :)

On another positive note, my sister comes tomorrow for a weekend visit! I haven't seen her since Christmas, and I can't wait to hang out with her again. I feel blessed to be so close to my siblings and love that we all try to stay in touch living apart from one another. It will be wonderful to spend some time with her and introduce her to my Illinois "family"...not to mention celebrate the festival of Green lights (and beer!). No doubt, some great stories to come (and of course, be shared).

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

My ABCs...

I've seen this post going around, and decided I would jump on the bandwagon and give it a whirl. So, here are the "ABCs" of me...

Age: 24.

Bed size: Full...if only I had realized that when I bought a queen size mattress topper. Oops.

Chore you hate: Dusting, folding clothes and washing dishes are my top three least favorite, but just not a fan of household chores in general.

Dogs: Love 'em...with the exceptions of large dogs and dogs that shed alot. My family has a Lhasa apso, and I think he is the perfect dog.

Essential start your day item: Hot tea. Yum!

Favorite color: Kelly green

Gold or silver: Silver. Though white gold is really lovely too.

Height: Just over 5'6". I'm told by my peers that makes me tall, but I think I'm of average height for a female.

Instruments you play: Played the piano intermittently for years. Have also tried my hand at the recorder and clarinet, though neither were my choice. I have always wanted to play the drums, specifically the hand drums (bongo-type).

Job title: Intraoperative neurophysiologic monitoring technologist. Try saying that quickly 5 times.

Kids: Nope. But there is a cute, little guy that lives in D.C. who I am the proud Godmother of.

Live: Life to the fullest. Great strategy right? ;) (Geographically, Chicago suburbs...for now.)

Mom's name: Well her full name is Tamara Jean, but most people call her Tami. However, my father, siblings and I lovingly refer to her as's an inside joke.

Nicknames: Gracie buttons and petunia were nicknames given to me by my deceased (paternal) grandfather; most of my family still calls me Buttons. Other nicknames that I have acquired through the generosity of my friends are G-race (my mom calls me this too haha; friend/co-worker Miguel adds a DJ in front of it), Grrrrrrrace (thank you again, Miguel), Peaches (result of an interesting high school conversation) and my two favorites from college (both given to me by lab partner of all four years) Spletzy Spletz and Gracilis.

Overnight hospital stays: A couple. Once when I was just under a year old for a high, unexplained fever and once for a broken elbow/surgery.

Pet Peeve(s): Writing in pencil, rude/inconsiderate drivers, when a song I love comes on as I am getting out of the car for work, being late (though when it comes to things with friends or family, I almost always am...oopsies) and bad weather on my days off.

Quote from a movie: This is tough. I feel like I have so many. Hmmm. I guess the following quote is my favorite, because it's the first one that sprang to mind and it's something that inspires me to be a good person and live a life I can look back on fondly. "I'm a man with no regrets, how lucky am I?" - P.S. I Love You.

Right or Left-handed: Hands down, right. No pun intended.

Siblings: My favorite people in the world! Both of my siblings are younger than me; my sister and I are 20 months apart and my brother is 6 years younger than I.

Time you wake up: My work schedule changes daily, and so does my alarm clock setting. On the weekends, unless I have something to be up for, I don't set an alarm...but usually I am up by 8am.

Underwear: Yes, I prefer it. Commando just isn't my style.

Vegetable you dislike: Brussel sprouts. BLAH!

What makes you late: What doesn't? I'm easily side-tracked.

X-Rays you've had done: Here we go...teeth, neck, back, left knee, right elbow and both ankles.

Yummy food you make: My favorite thing I make is bruschetta, but my friends say my desserts are my best creations.

Zoo animal favorite: Monkeys are entertaining to watch, but I've always been a sucker for giraffes and aquatic creatures.

What are your ABCs?

Thursday, March 3, 2011

5k progress...

St. Patty's 5k run is just 8 days away! I cannot believe how quickly it is approaching. I think I will actually be ready for it though. This training process has not been without its up and downs, but as we enter the final stretch, other than some ankle/feet issues (likely caused by my poor running form) I feel confident that I will indeed achieve my goal of finishing the race. I realize to runners, 5k isn't something overly impressive, but being the non-runner that I am (or perhaps was, as I'm actually starting to enjoy it on some level...finally) 3.1 miles will be quite the achievement for me.

On Sunday Lily and I ran for 30 minutes, and by the MapMyRun calculations we covered just under 2.75 miles. On Tuesday we did a 20 minute run, with her iPod keeping track of distance and pace. Lily, having much better form, ran faster than me, and covered a bit more distance, but based off her stats, we figured I ran in between a 10-11 pace and hit just under the 2 mile mark. (She did a little better with a solid 10 pace and 2.01 miles covered...Go Lily!) I'm really excited at our progress and I think we are both finding our stride and what works for us. It's been quite a process, but I'm proud of us for sticking with it. I think running the race will be fun, but I feel like we've accomplished something so much more important at this point. We are building in a routine for this and adding a healthy activity to our weekly regimens. I really hope we keep up with this after the race is finished.


I set a goal for myself when I started this blog: to document the important events and fun stories that happen in my day to day life, so that they will never be forgotten. Yet, here we are in the beginnings of March, and all I have to show for 2011 is SEVEN!! little entries. Pathetic. What's worse is that after reviewing my entries, they aren't really about anything important...and certainly not the moments I had hoped to remember most of the past two months. I'm realizing that blogging (like exercising) is something I am just going to have to make time for and get in the habit of doing if I am going to succeed at it. For starters, I am going to set this as my homepage. Perhaps if this is the first thing that pops up when I open the internet, it will motivate remind me to put my day/thoughts into electronic format for the world (well at least one person who follows me) to see.

Does anybody else have difficulties keeping up with their blog? Any suggestions for how to incorporate into your daily routine?

Monday, February 21, 2011

What a week...

The last week has been interesting; a strange mix of good, bad and stess. I contracted a viral upper respiratory and sinus infection last Tuesday, and it has been kicking my a$$. Today is the first day that I have felt even remotely a hint of relief. I also had my CNIM exam last Friday, so while the sick days from work came in handy for last minute extra studying, ultimately being uber congested and ill for the test was frustrating. I left the exam feeling a bit disheartened. The passing grade is a 75%, not exactly what one might consider a tough bar to exceed. However, I've heard from some other people that sometimes they adjust the passing score based on the bell curve of the scores achieved for that testing period. So going into the test I had hoped to leave there with only 20% of the questions in my "answered, but not entirely certain it's correct" category. Unfortunately there were just a few more that fell into that category, making my lowest possible score (at least by my calculations) a 78.8% So while this is technically still passing, I'm still nervous while I wait for the results to come in (4-6 weeks from now!). Needless to say between the test and being ill, I was just ready to forget about last week when Friday night rolled around.

In spite of not being able to breathe well, I decided to meet a new beau for dinner. We met through an online dating service, and had been emailing/calling for a couple weeks, so it seemed appropriate to finally meet in person. I realize that being ill and my inability to fully mask those lovely things that often accompany URI and sinus infections (ie: bright red, runny nose and dark circles under the eyes) should have crossed my mind considering you usually want your first impression/meeting to be tops, but I just couldn't resist the offer to FINALLY meet him. Our phone conversations had been lengthy and I just had a good feeling about it; was going to be just the fun, relaxing evening I needed to unwind from the crazy week. And it was! We had some (more) great conversations and he was a good sport about my being sick; quite the gentlemen as well. The evening ended with plans to get together again later in the weekend (when I would hopefully be feeling better) and a small kiss on cheek. Woohoo! Always nice to get a little reassurance from a first date that things did indeed go well. :)

The following two days were spent sleeping and preparing cocktails of OTC meds to try and get rid of the plague that had struck me. I think it helped some as I was feeling improvement today. Hopefully tomorrow will exhibit similar progress. Fingers crossed anyways.

I have a sneaking suspicion this post will sound somewhat random and incomplete in thought process/content, but it's late, and I'm tired, so I'm excusing it. Figured it would be better to get it out and posted than to forget about I've done with so many other entries. Hope you can deal with it.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

What a day...

Amidst devoting my weekend to studying for my upcoming CNIM exam, I did take some time to continue my training for the upcoming 5K. Can't believe it's only 1 month away now! Today's workout was a five minute warm-up walk, followed by 25 straight minutes of running (well jogging in my case). I wasn't feeling good about this work out as the past couple of days my calves and knees have been aching incredibly. Nonetheless, Lily and I set out for the longest run we have done since starting our training, and to my great surprise, WE FINISHED IT! I felt so accomplished. I know in the grand scheme of things, especially compared to other friends of mine who run, that 25 minutes of jogging is essentially child's play in the running world, but for me it is a HUGE accomplishment. I was very proud of myself for finishing it and just for sticking with my training in general. We were able to run outside today, which I think helped considerably, so I think we will try to maintain that element as the weather permits, for the duration of training.

I feel like I am on such a high right now. I feel good and I'm glad to know that our training is slowly, but surely paying off. Now I just hope to have this kind of success with the exam on Friday. Fingers crossed!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Just for fun...

A friend posted this little game in her blog the other day, and I really enjoyed the idea and format of it, so I'm swiping it for this post.

The "Then and Now" Me

10 years ago I was:
  • 14 years old and in 8th grade - what a monumental year!
  • Participated in the sports of soccer and basketball
  • Loved math and English, and was usually bored with science. (Ironic!)
  • Raising my third steer for the county fair 
  • A counselor-in-training for 4-H summer camp - good times!!
5 years ago I was:
  • Declaring my major at NDC - do you see the irony?
  • Living in Cleveland, and enjoying the freedom that comes with college life and not living at home
  • Reading "Pride&Prejudice" by Jane Austen for the first time and falling in love with the story...and the infamous Mr. Darcy
  • Trying my hand at running - yes this is something I just can't seem to get away from.  
  • Expanding my musical tastes and collection through the diverse suggestions of fellow college peers
1 year ago I was:
  • Just starting out in my job as an IOM tech 
  • Being relocated to Illinois, where I didn't know a soul 
  • Living with co-workers in the BNN real-world house - a very interesting experience 
  • Learning the art of weight-training...really need to get back into that!
  • Trying to meet new people and make friends in a post-college life 
Yesterday I
  • Realized how comfortable I have become with my job and the skills it takes to do it.
  • Spent time with my friends (my IL family) and realized that they are the reason my sanity remains intact
  • Skyped with my family - miss them a bunch! 
  • Came up with some inexpensive vacation/roadtrip ideas for my friends and I
  • Reconnected with some friends from college
Today I
  • Have finally caught up with my blog
  • Indulged in a couple episodes of How I Met your Mother
  • Ate yogurt covered raisins for breakfast - yum! 
  • Will run with Lily and continue our training for the 5k 
  • Am happy it's Friday...and happy with where I am at in life and who I am
5 songs I know all the words to
  • Born to Fly - Sara Evans
  • Cheek to Cheek - Frank Sinatra
  • Sound of Sunshine - Michael Franti
  • I Want You To Want Me - Cheap Trick
  • Sitting, Waiting, Wishing - Jack Johnson
5 things I'd do with 1 million dollars
  • Pay off my student loans
  • Donate some to causes I support 
  • Pay off my parents house
  • Take more time off work for volunteer trips 
  • Travel (and perhaps buy a small condo) in Europe or South America
5 favorite TV shows:
  • How I Met Your Mother - hands down my favorite!  
  • Friends
  • The Office - both the U.S. and UK versions.
  • HGTV shows
  • Law & Order: SVU
5 biggest joys
  • My family and friends
  • Traveling
  • Dancing
  • Music
  • Summertime

Since I've got some time...

Life has been a whirlwind lately, and not that I mind being busy, but I would love to just have a day where I have nowhere to be. I feel like I am constantly on the go, and at the moment the thought of spending an afternoon on my couch sounds amazing. It's not even so that I can just lay around, it's so that I can get caught up on all the tasks that require me sitting in one place for an extended period of time (paperwork, studying for CNIM and this blog spring to mind). I'm oncall, so fingers crossed that it will be quiet and I may actually get my wish.

In any case, while I have some time to be homebound, waiting around in sick anticipation of my pager ringing, I'm going to try to play catch up with this online journal. While I haven't been great about logging my entries, I have at least made a small list of things I wanted to blog about, so that when I found the time (hopefully the time I have now will suffice) I could still put all those thoughts in here. So here we go...

First up: The Looming 5k.

My friend Queenie has convinced me to join her in a 5k race in March. Let me preface this with the fact that I have NEVER been a fan of running. So, needless to say, I knew this would be a challenge, both physically and mentally for me. I am proud of myself that I have stuck with the workout regimen (Couch to 5k) that I found to build myself up to the 3.1 miles, and I'm excited that I don't completely dread going to do the workout. Having my friend, Lily, to train with has also been a huge help. However I'm still not finding myself thoroughly enjoying the workout, like I do when I am dancing with Zumba or doing step aerobics (I know, somewhat of an 80's throwback, but I think it's fun). It's frustrating because I don't want to hit a wall of boredom with this; otherwise I'm worried I won't stick with it. Right now there are still things to be working towards, but what happens when I can eventually run the entire distance and I don't enjoy it? I think running is a fantastic workout and I know it will offer me a plethora of health benefits if I can stick with it, but I find that in order to stay committed to my workouts I need to find some enjoyment with it. I've still got a few weeks of training left, so maybe it's too early to be worrying about it, but I'm curious if this is something that other runners experienced when they first started running, or if perhaps, this is just something I will never thoroughly enjoy?

Second on the list: the guy.

I'm sure the lack of entries over the past two weeks, has left you wrought with anticipation, wondering what became of the NYE guy. Well, allow me to fill you in. I believe there is one word that sums it up very well: NOTHING. That's right ladies and gents, once again I have stumbled into the shenanigans of another conniving tool. Oh the joys of being a single female in today's society. It would seem that no matter how much slack I am willing to give a guy, he never fails to disappoint. Mr. NYE even bothered to come on a third date (where I cooked him dinner) and initiated a kiss, before he just dissipated into the background like a cloud of dust. Seriously, why did he even bother? They say women are complicated, but I don't think it's a trait only females possess, because I can never figure guys out. I just wish men would do the kind favor of saying what they really think. I like to think of myself as an honest person, and while I try not to be too blunt in the delivery of honesty that may also resemble bad news (ie: I'm not interested), I at least have the decency to say so. True, nobody likes rejection, but it's a lot easier to take when someone is up front about it. So my words of advice to anyone who finds themself on a date with someone they don't intend to see again, "Grow a pair, and just say what you really think." And DEFINITELY do not fake interest; if you aren't going to see the person again, don't kiss about mixed signals! In the words of Stephanie Tanner, "How rude!"

Okay, I'm done venting about that. I promise.

Topic numero tres: Change.

2010 brought a myriad of changes into my life, all of which I consider blessings in some way or another. However, the biggest change I have noted is the internal transformation I have experienced as a result of those changes. I've always considered myself to be a free spirit and a bit of gypsy (though I think some of that is largely due to my ancestors, who were, in fact, gypsies), and a year ago if you were to ask me where I saw myself in 5 years, at least in terms of location, I would have had no answer. I've never been the type who can imagine putting down roots; I'm an adventurer, an explorer, a traveling soul. I've always looked forward to and embraced opportunities that allow me to relocate and become a part of a new community. However in the last couple months I've noticed a change. I still want to travel and see the world, but I don't find myself afraid to linger somewhere for a couple years. I believe part of this is that, for the first time in my life, I have allowed myself to truly become immersed into my new circle of friends, my community, and my location. Until now, I suppose, I have remained on the surface level of any community (other than my family's home) I have lived in. Also, though, I think up to this point, I have just had a subconscious fear of becoming stagnant; that putting down roots was the equivalent of giving up on life and its adventures. I'm realizing now that this notion was, and is, a bit ridiculous, and that, as it turns out, putting down roots can actually enrich my life in ways I never thought possible, without killing my gypsy spirit. I never imagined I would be someone who would make their future plans based around a home, but that is exactly what I have begun to do. My list of PA programs that I wish to apply to is now largely centered around the concept of staying close to where I am at. When looking for a new apartment, I'm considering only places that will move me closer to my friends (my IL family). It's crazy, but for the first time since moving out of my parent's house, I feel at home somewhere...and in some ways, I feel more at home here than I ever did in Ohio. I laugh at the notion that perhaps I am just getting older, because I think there is more to it than that. I am growing wiser and allowing life to truly sink in. I'm engaging in my surroundings, rather than just existing within them and it's remarkable! I'm excited to see what else the future holds, how this new concept (at least for me) will come into play, and where else life will take me.

Sorry for the suuuuper long entry, but that's what I get for not having blogged in a couple weeks I suppose.


So my intent with starting this blog was to write down the things I experience, the feelings I have about things and just my thoughts in general. Essentially it is supposed to be an electronic form of a journal, and one that I'm choosing to share with whomever decides to read it. The interesting thing is that I thought this would be easier for me to keep up with than an actual journal, as I find I can type quicker than I can write...and it's more legible...but I'm finding that I'm just as bad at logging entries on here as I was with my hardcopy journal. I don't want this to become a chore, or something I feel like I have to do, but I do not want another year to go by without putting some of it into written form. Does anybody have any thoughts on how to approach this? Do you blog as part of your daily routine, or is it just something you do when you have the time?

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

So I met this guy...

Without going into all the details, let's just say the past few years could be considered a dry spell in the relationships department for me. In any case, without knowing the protocol for what is blog appropriate, I feel compelled to at least pen something of this new development, if only for my own reference, at some point down the road.

So I met this guy. For all intents and purposes, I will nickname him "NYE guy." We met at a bar on New Year's Eve (hopefully now the nickname makes sense), and ended up having some great conversation before he departed for a party. In that conversation, the party I was having the following evening came up, and a wager was made. The stakes: $5. The bet: that NYE guy would not actually show up to my party. Phone numbers were exchanged; to be honest, I didn't think it was a number I would ever use. So imagine my surprise when I heard from him the following evening!

However, before you get too excited, NYE guy did not make it to my party. (Yes, that's right, I made $5...booyah!) He was "unfortunately called into work" and couldn't make it. Likely story right? After that line, I just assumed that I would never see or hear from him again. But that was not to be. He was very insistent upon us getting together again sometime soon.

So one fateful Thursday last week, I met him for dinner. We had a really nice time and the conversation was effortless. I kept thinking, "Could my streak of bad first dates finally be over?" Oh, how my fingers were crossed! After dinner we decided to meet a couple of his friends' wives for drinks, since they happened to be at the same place we were. Everything was going smoothly, until I heard those famous little words, "There is something I need to tell you." Oh great! Now what?!

He proceeded to inform me that he has a 2 1/2 year old daughter. Now let me be clear, I really don't mind the fact that he has a daughter, however his approach for telling me of her existence left much to be desired. I realize that there may not actually be a "good" way to tell people things like that on a first date, but (and gentlemen, please take note) if nothing else at least do it when it is just between you and your date, so that any and all subsequent questions can be answered promptly. Simply mentioning news like that and then moving on with the conversation, not his best move.

Needless to say, over the past few days, my mind has been racked with questions about the details surrounding how he came to be a father, and the possible pros and cons to this element, if a relationship should blossom between us. I realize that may sound a bit hasty, but I am afflicted with overthinking and over-analyzing, so there was no stopping it once my mind started rolling. In any case, my reservations towards pursuing this developed and have remained in the back of my mind, until last night.

NYE guy and I went out again last night, my reservations in tow. We saw a movie, obviously not the ideal place for a much needed conversation, but not wanting to let him off the hook that easily, I suggested we go get a drink after. So over a couple of beers, I pried. And to his credit he was a good sport about it. He agreed that dropping that sort of news so casually on the previous date was probably not ideal and proceeded to tell me the whole story.

Since it isn't my story to tell, I won't share all the details. The jist of it is that he was previously married and while they tried very hard to make it work between them, especially for the sake of their daughter, it just was better for both of them to seperate. Without saying anymore, all I can say is that any reservations I had going into date 2 are gone. I'm not saying that if this grows into something there won't be complications later, but for now I'm not going to think about that. I'm just going to let life happen.

Hopefully more stories to come soon. :)

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Here we go...

I'm not really one for making, or keeping, New Year's resolutions, however in the spirit of the holiday (and yes, I realize it's been a week since it has come and passed) I have decided to start this blog. So many things have changed for me over the last year, and I realized I never wrote down my thoughts on any of it. I guess I just don't want another year to go by with no recollection of it, except for a few memories that will inevitably fade with the passing of time. So, let the blogging begin...