Tuesday, March 8, 2011

My ABCs...

I've seen this post going around, and decided I would jump on the bandwagon and give it a whirl. So, here are the "ABCs" of me...

Age: 24.

Bed size: Full...if only I had realized that when I bought a queen size mattress topper. Oops.

Chore you hate: Dusting, folding clothes and washing dishes are my top three least favorite, but just not a fan of household chores in general.

Dogs: Love 'em...with the exceptions of large dogs and dogs that shed alot. My family has a Lhasa apso, and I think he is the perfect dog.

Essential start your day item: Hot tea. Yum!

Favorite color: Kelly green

Gold or silver: Silver. Though white gold is really lovely too.

Height: Just over 5'6". I'm told by my peers that makes me tall, but I think I'm of average height for a female.

Instruments you play: Played the piano intermittently for years. Have also tried my hand at the recorder and clarinet, though neither were my choice. I have always wanted to play the drums, specifically the hand drums (bongo-type).

Job title: Intraoperative neurophysiologic monitoring technologist. Try saying that quickly 5 times.

Kids: Nope. But there is a cute, little guy that lives in D.C. who I am the proud Godmother of.

Live: Life to the fullest. Great strategy right? ;) (Geographically, Chicago suburbs...for now.)

Mom's name: Well her full name is Tamara Jean, but most people call her Tami. However, my father, siblings and I lovingly refer to her as Tarni...it's an inside joke.

Nicknames: Gracie buttons and petunia were nicknames given to me by my deceased (paternal) grandfather; most of my family still calls me Buttons. Other nicknames that I have acquired through the generosity of my friends are G-race (my mom calls me this too haha; friend/co-worker Miguel adds a DJ in front of it), Grrrrrrrace (thank you again, Miguel), Peaches (result of an interesting high school conversation) and my two favorites from college (both given to me by lab partner of all four years) Spletzy Spletz and Gracilis.

Overnight hospital stays: A couple. Once when I was just under a year old for a high, unexplained fever and once for a broken elbow/surgery.

Pet Peeve(s): Writing in pencil, rude/inconsiderate drivers, when a song I love comes on as I am getting out of the car for work, being late (though when it comes to things with friends or family, I almost always am...oopsies) and bad weather on my days off.

Quote from a movie: This is tough. I feel like I have so many. Hmmm. I guess the following quote is my favorite, because it's the first one that sprang to mind and it's something that inspires me to be a good person and live a life I can look back on fondly. "I'm a man with no regrets, how lucky am I?" - P.S. I Love You.

Right or Left-handed: Hands down, right. No pun intended.

Siblings: My favorite people in the world! Both of my siblings are younger than me; my sister and I are 20 months apart and my brother is 6 years younger than I.

Time you wake up: My work schedule changes daily, and so does my alarm clock setting. On the weekends, unless I have something to be up for, I don't set an alarm...but usually I am up by 8am.

Underwear: Yes, I prefer it. Commando just isn't my style.

Vegetable you dislike: Brussel sprouts. BLAH!

What makes you late: What doesn't? I'm easily side-tracked.

X-Rays you've had done: Here we go...teeth, neck, back, left knee, right elbow and both ankles.

Yummy food you make: My favorite thing I make is bruschetta, but my friends say my desserts are my best creations.

Zoo animal favorite: Monkeys are entertaining to watch, but I've always been a sucker for giraffes and aquatic creatures.

What are your ABCs?

1 comment:

  1. This is a fun post! I might steal it if I ever can't come up with something to blog about.
