Thursday, March 3, 2011

5k progress...

St. Patty's 5k run is just 8 days away! I cannot believe how quickly it is approaching. I think I will actually be ready for it though. This training process has not been without its up and downs, but as we enter the final stretch, other than some ankle/feet issues (likely caused by my poor running form) I feel confident that I will indeed achieve my goal of finishing the race. I realize to runners, 5k isn't something overly impressive, but being the non-runner that I am (or perhaps was, as I'm actually starting to enjoy it on some level...finally) 3.1 miles will be quite the achievement for me.

On Sunday Lily and I ran for 30 minutes, and by the MapMyRun calculations we covered just under 2.75 miles. On Tuesday we did a 20 minute run, with her iPod keeping track of distance and pace. Lily, having much better form, ran faster than me, and covered a bit more distance, but based off her stats, we figured I ran in between a 10-11 pace and hit just under the 2 mile mark. (She did a little better with a solid 10 pace and 2.01 miles covered...Go Lily!) I'm really excited at our progress and I think we are both finding our stride and what works for us. It's been quite a process, but I'm proud of us for sticking with it. I think running the race will be fun, but I feel like we've accomplished something so much more important at this point. We are building in a routine for this and adding a healthy activity to our weekly regimens. I really hope we keep up with this after the race is finished.

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